
Sunday, April 21, 2013

We Went to Hackathon!

It's been a while since we've posted, but it's certainly not because we haven't had anything going on.  We've been BUSY.  There are now 16 factions of Pocket-Tactics, not including a few redesigns lately.  Context is another new game Arian created, a word game this time.  Jeremy and I had a beautiful baby girl, who keeps our hands full and us entertained.  And that's not to mention the hours and hours of development that's been going into three different versions of Continuum - the Continuum Adventure Engine, Continuum Mini, and Continuum Narrative Engine.  More on all of those soon.

But the big news is that Arian traveled across the country and got to participate in Hackathon at MakerBot Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.  Holy hell. He got to see rooms filled with MakerBot printers while meeting 3D printing enthusiasts across the country who have actually played Pocket-Tactics.  So cool.

Arian's team came in second for the competition at the Hackathon.

He came home inspired and has been pounding out the codex work ever since.  We're still exploring options for printing Pocket-Tactics in a more cost-effective way, but in the meantime there are so many other projects nearing completion.

For more timely updates, be sure you friend Ill Gotten Games on Facebook!